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Monday, 14 August 2006



When you said soon... alhamdullilah. Sounds like you had fun mashallah. But for me, of the sports i've played with, it's gotta be ice skating all the way. Hee hee, love that. BTW, when you are fasting, do you get the giggles? I do lol, ill be all calm and then for some really small reason ill fall into hysterics. I was in tears before over nothing. It usually happens when its nearly time to break my fast, but not today. I could barely contain myself. Ahh, the joys of fasting... :)

ARG comment: That happens sometimes when I'm skiing, especially when people start falling left, right and centre..cracks me up. I used to ice skate alot when I was little, and took the kids last eid...what a laugh!


Salaam dear brother, now that the Islam Festival Edinburgh is over, I've remembered to check your blog... nice to read your summary. It was really nice to spend the time with you and Bilal.

I have one important correction: it's Greyfriars Bobby, not Blackfriars Bobbit! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyfriars_Bobby



Great website, jazakAllah khair for the audio download section, i will download all these talks to listen and if you dont mind can i pass them on to my family and friends? inshaAllah will keep making donations aswell


ARGcomment: May Allah reward you with goodness. Please pass on whatever you feel will be beneficial. There's no copyright on my stuff, so feel free. Will be working on brand new web site for audio/visual soon inshallah, so donations much appreciated!

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