The Invitation
The word "dawa" in Arabic literally means invitation, and that is what this is about. Inviting people to Allah, and specifically inviting those who are not Muslim to embrace the religion of Islam and become part of the body of the Muslim ummah.
All Muslim have a duty then to invite others to Allah according to their individual capacity and circumstance, and there is another duty that follows on from that that is often neglected and that is duty of care to those new Muslims to ensure that not only are their religious needs but also in fact their worldly needs are looked after.
It is painfully obvious that this is obligation that has been often neglected and even forgotten altogether, and when it is done it is often done in a haphazard and random manner. Many have been deceived into thinking that giving dawa is not their job and that it is beyond their ability and it is something that should be left to the imams and the experts. The fact is that looking at the time of the Prophet saws and at his noble companions all of them, even the most simple of them looked at inviting others to Islam as a duty and an essential part of their religion.
The Prophet saws described him self as being like the one who invites others to participate in a feast. So those who accepted ate from the feast and those who refused did not. It is very clear though that the Prophet did invite, and encouraged people to enter into Islam and warned them of the dire consequence of failing to accept that call. He did not merely present information about Islam. So this calling and inviting is in fact one of the greatest tasks of all the messengers, and those who follow that example are following in the footsteps of the best of all the human beings.
"Who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah, works righteousness and says: "I am of those who bow in Islam"? 41:33
Hasan al Basree recited this verse and said: "This person is the beloved to Allah, the walee of Allah and is the most beloved to Him from amongst the people of the earth. He answered the call of Allah and invites the people to the very same call he responded to. He works righteous deeds within his response and declares, 'Indeed I am from the Muslims."
So remember oh Muslim that this life is short and the next eternal, and that is your deeds that Allah will weigh up for you in scales. So whoever's deeds are heavy with good, they will have a happy end. So think about what will maximise you scale of good deeds, and make it heavy!
So bear in mind that when you read what the Prophet said "That whoever encourages someone to do a righteous deed then they will get the reward for that person doing that righteous deed without that persons reward being reduced in the least." So if you are the means for someone entering Islam, then no wonder it is better than all the best of the wealth of this world, since every time that person prays, fasts, reads Quran, gives charity, remembers Allah, then you get a share of the reward for that. So not fail dear reader to part of this call, and do not fail to contribute as much as you can to this blessed invitation, for according to the degree of you contribution so is the extent of your reward!
Dawa or Destruction
How many calamities have befallen this nation, one after the other in rapid succession, and all of these disasters have causes that are based in being far from our religion and from being immersed in disobedience, sin and neglect of our duties.
Among the matters which our Lord warned us of abandoning is the obligation of enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil and calling to Allah. Indeed when we abandon this duty calamities will strike us and although we will beg and plead to Allah, He will not respond to our cries due to our leaving this duty as the Prophet saws said:
"You must enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong or else Allah will send up you a calamity and you will make dua and your dua will not be accepted."
So this is duty on every individual according to their own circumstance and ability, as Abu Sa'id Khudri relates that he heard from the Prophet as saying:
"If anyone notices something evil, should change it with his hands and if he cannot he should change it with his tongue and if he cannot he should at least hate it in his heart and that is the weakest form of faith." Muslim
And what greater evil is there in the sight of Allah that people should make shirk with Him and disbelieve in Him and reject the message that He sent for their benefit and guidance?
This is not only a matter for scholars and imams, but for everyone and the blessed Prophet saws said: "Convey from me even if it one ayah." So whatever you know and understand from the deen you should convey that, and indeed Allah mention in His book:
"By Time, Certainly the human beings are in a state of loss, except those who believe and do righteous deeds and join together in the teaching of truth and join together in patience."
So, if we leave calling to and teaching the truth we will certainly be of the losers, and may Allah protect us from that! Furthermore the Prophet saws gave the example of people in a boat which has an upper and lower deck. The people on the upper deck have water and the people on the lower deck have none. So those people on the lower deck thirsty but they are shy to disturb those on the upper deck so they start to make a hole in the boat to get water. So if those people on the upper deck do not prevent those people on the lower deck then they will all perish!"
So this is what the Prophet saws warned about, that when the evil is more than the good then even the good will suffer, and we can see that around us today as crime and immorality and the surrender to al hawa, the desires, is everywhere, so evil and hatred and mischief has become wide spread in a manner that envelopes us all! Certainly all the good is obeying Allah and following His deen, and all evil lies in opposing it. What greater evil can fall humanity than their being far from their Lord and His perfect knowledge and guidance that He revealed for their benefit in the Quran and through the example of His noble messenger Mohammed saws?
The need to work together
This task, on order to be carried out properly and effectively needs to be done not only on an individual and community level, but infact there must be a group dedicated to this task, who give this matter their full attention until this message reaches the ends of the earth. So as for such an organisation then this is alluded to in the Quran where Allah says:
"Let there arise from amongst you a band that invites to all that is good, enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil, they are the ones to achieve success." Al Imran 3:104
So if there is no such group them we are all sinful and in disobedience to Allah. And as for this matter reaching the corners of the earth, then that certainly will take place as the Prophet said it would:
"Surely, this religion will reach the boundaries of the day and night and Allah will not spare a rural or an urban dwelling except that he would cause Islam to enter it by elevating some and degrading others. A glory with which Allah elevates Islam and a humiliation with which Allah degrade Kufr (disbelief)."
(Ahmad and Ibn Hibban, saheeh)
And in another narration:
"This matter (Islam) will keep spreading as far as the night and day reach, until Allah will not leave a house made of mud or hair, but will make this religion enter it, while bringing might to a mighty person (a Muslim) and humiliation to a disgraced person (who rejects Islam); might with which Allah elevates Islam (and its people), and disgrace with which Allah humiliates disbelief (and its people)." (Musnad al-Imaam Ahmad)
So this matter will come to pass as the Prophet saws said it would, and perhaps in this day and age with mass communications and ease of travel, so that the world has become a global village, there is an unprecedented opportunity to fulfil this vision, so why not make the intention and take the steps that we can that are within our ability to bring this about so that we can gain the rewards and benefits of that. Indeed all success in any endeavour is in the hands of Allah.
How should we invite to Islam
From the sad matters that afflicted the Muslims is their being divided into nations and groups and sects and tribes and their being fanatical on that, to extent that they even fight against one another, even though Allah warned us about this in His book and linked such behaviour to rejecting and disbelieving in Him:
"Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you (O Muhammad) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allah, Who then will tell them what they used to do. "
( سورة الأنعام , Al-Anaam, Chapter #6, Verse 159)
Tragically many people invite others to join their sect, their group, their Imam, or Sheikh or their own cultural interpretation of Islam, or perhaps they call to one aspect of islam, or some current crisis and think that this is dawa! This is not the invitation that Allah ordered us with at all, in fact it opposes it, because Allah makes it clear that the call is to Allah, to testify that Allah alone is worth of worship and that Mohammed is Messenger of Allah:
"Say: This is my way; I call to Allah with sure knowledge, I and whosoever follows me. I declare Allaah free and far removed from all that they associate as partners with Him, and I am free of those who worship anything else along with Him." Surah Yusuf 12:108
So those who are true followers of the Messenger call to Allah, and they call to Allah with knowledge and understanding, with wisdom and good exhortation and reasoned arguments:
"Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair preaching and argue with them in a way that is best" 16:125
So we must call to Allah, and call to His way, and this is what the Prophet advised Mu'adh ibn Jabal when he sent him to Yemen "Oh Mu'adh, you are going to the people of the book so let the first thing that you call the to be the oneness of Allah."
So this is the Prophetic method of calling, to remind the people of Allah and His oneness and the realities of judgement and the fire and the rewards of paradise. It was the way of Mohammed and of all the Prophets to call to the worship of Allah alone and to abandoning of the worship of anything besides Allah:
"And verily, We have sent among every Ummah a Messenger (proclaiming): "Worship Allah, and reject all false deities." Surah an-Nahl(16):36]
The best of nations
When the Muslims take up this duty and raise this call, and extend this invitation then and only then will we be the best of all nations, since doing that is a condition of our success as Allah says:
"Ye are the best of peoples raised up for mankind enjoining what is right forbidding what is wrong and believing in Allah." Al Imran 3:110
We have embarked on a project to help try and make this a reality. It is called iERA, for a new era in dawa. The launch tour is starting tomorrow. You can find details here
Calling to good and prohibiting evil is the distinguishing mark of this nation, and instrumental to our success, so when we abandon that the the description of being the best of peoples can no longer apply to us, rather we might become like those whom Allah cursed due to their hiding the truth that they had:
"Verily, those who conceal the clear proofs, evidences and the guidance, which We have sent down, after We have made it clear for the people in the book, they are the ones cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers." [al-Qur'aan, al-Baqara(2):159]
I pray and hope that Allah guides us to be from those who are callers to this noble deen of Islam. Ameen.
Ohh! I so much wish I had th opportunity to experience the Tour! But Allah Knows what's Best for me Alhamdolillah!
InshaAllah Khair, I'll be there another time!
May Allah SWT reward everyone who has taken part in making this happen with the best in this life and the next - Ameen!
Wassalaamu alaykum waRahmatullahi WaBaraktuh!
Posted by: Aisha | Tuesday, 23 June 2009 at 11:44
Bismillah Rahmaan Raheem,
Salam alaykum Islam's Teacher!!
Hopin this finds you in best state of health and strong in Emaan!
May Allah accept this work of yours and all those who associate themselves with you as havin been done for Allah's sake Only!!
The least we can do is to keep you all teachers of Islam in our duas ... but that little work we do with strong determination and consistently as deed done bit by bit is more beloved to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta 'Ala
Hopin this new event of yours with teacher Chambers and teacher Estes and many others goes well and perfectly - Insha'Allah - and so I pray!
Thank you Islam's teacher for conveyin the Correct and Real Ilm of Islam. Jazak Allahu Khair Was salam alaykum
with lots of duas - to each one of you
Posted by: sister-in-faith | Tuesday, 23 June 2009 at 12:44
It is really beautifull to see a collective effort in da'wa!! I pray to Allah to make us successfull in this world and in the hereafter. btw i've copied ur article on "A new era in Da'wa" on my blog. I hope u wont mind it. Salaam Bro!
Posted by: Noamaan | Wednesday, 24 June 2009 at 11:45
As salaam wa alaikum Brother.
I had a question which I am stuck with.
Every one claims to say a Muslim should follow Qur'an and the Sunnah. But when you start looking into their preaching. you find different sects pointing at each other. The closest to Islam (Qur'aan and the Sunnah) that i came to was the Salafi, but now I am confused with their Wahhabi involvement. If it is true why a name even Salafi or Wahhabi?
Advise appreciated.
Zaffer Khan
ARGcomment: Wahabi is a perogative term give to those who follow the teachings of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahab, and 18th century reformer who lived in what is now Saudi Arabia. He was inspired also by returning to way of the salaf, or predecessors. Salaf, or salafi (one who follow the early generations of Muslims) is term that has a long tradition of use by the scholars of Islam to refer to what was understood and practiced by the early generations of Muslims. What is improtant is not the name, but following the way of the Prophet and his companions and the early generations who understood this religion the best, as opposed to that which has been newly introduced and innovated in the relgion.
I hope this helps.
Posted by: Zaffer Khan | Tuesday, 07 July 2009 at 19:16
As salaam wa alaikum
Brother, can you also guide me to the proper knowledge and suggest some tips where we can serve the Deen of Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala.
My dream is to become a Full Time Daa'ee like you.
Jazak Allah Khair
Zaffer Khan
ARGcomment: where do you live?
Posted by: Zaffer Khan | Tuesday, 07 July 2009 at 19:19
As salaam wa alaikum
I am an Indian, living in Kuwait. By profession, I am an Oracle DBA.
Jazak Allah Khair for the clarifications.
What you can also shed some light on is that if some one claims to be Wahhabi, is he different from the Salafis?
Jazak Allah Khair
Zaffer Khan
ARGcomment: not much difference, but generally one doesn't claim to be a wahabi, its a perogative term used to insult some of the people of tawheed who oppose shirk inxspired by the reforms of Mohammed ibn Abdul Wahab
Posted by: Zaffer Khan | Friday, 10 July 2009 at 14:28
Salam ARG,
The brother ^^ said he lives in Kuwait. Kuwait ain't that big bro :)
Posted by: Rashid | Wednesday, 15 July 2009 at 12:50
My salaam to you Brother Green,
I am grateful to you and all the new generation of torch bearers of Islam who have given a wealth of information in an understandable manner as before this period people were not convinced. Traditional Imams who though taught Islam did not have a wide knowledge/understanding of issues and at times people felt they were just being passed down on questions rather than being answered reference to authentic Hadith and so on. In turn as people were not convinced turned away from following the right path. Thanks for being one of those people who are laying the pebbles for the path so you can see it and follow it. I was born into a Muslim family but really started understanding Islam with the new breed of people on Peace TV who pass knowledge with authenticity/references and eye openers for everyone. Whether you are a believer or non believer, logic and reference is given in such a way and you are convinced it is the only true religion to practice and follow. With Allah's blessing may he guide us all and to hold the rope of our Imaan tightly - Ameen. Also I live in a town that has 1 small mosque that is not sufficient for the Muslims here to progress and learn more, I would be like to be able to set up facilities for young Muslim’s for information, meeting/discussion/learning Arabic etc., any advice given would be greatly appreciated. Last but not least where is it best place in UK to learn Quranic Arabic. Thanks and may Allah bless us all.
Posted by: Sister Rukana | Saturday, 18 July 2009 at 10:07
Salam alaikum Brother Abdur Raheem,
You always been an inspiration for me towards Islam. I learn a lot by listening to your lectures on PeaceTv and by reading your articles here on your website. May Allah bless you for your efforts for Islam.
I will definitely use your tips for Dawah for Islam. I also try to use Dr. Zakir Naik's tips and suggestions to do Dawah.
Brother, I have some questions on Islam. Tell me how to ask or send my questions on Islam? I would be very grateful to you.
Your sister in Islam.
argcomment: send me an email on [email protected]
Posted by: Muslimah | Friday, 24 July 2009 at 12:46
Salam alaikum Brother Abdur Raheem Green,
Mashallah you website is very informative. I listen to your lectures on Peace TV. Now I have found your website as well. I will surely read all of your posts inshallah in ample time.
May Allah bless you for your efforts for Islam and may Allah increase your knowledge on Islam.
Posted by: Mo'mina | Saturday, 25 July 2009 at 08:31
Salam alaikum Brother Abdur Raheem Green
I had watched one of your video lectures before with my family and we had all been impressed by your knowledge. May Allah increase the impact of your efforts. I have also created a blog to convey the message of Islam to mankind and added your video on my blog at:
Turgay Evren (a brother from Turkey)
Posted by: Turgay Evren | Monday, 14 September 2009 at 09:40
Assalamu Alaikum akh Abdur Raheem....
What can I say? Very exciting time...very important is an honour for all those involved. May Allah help us in what lies ahead...this is what we've been waiting this is what the world has been waiting for!
Posted by: Fatima Barakatullah | Monday, 14 September 2009 at 23:05
assalam o alaikum brother..
i want to ask a q regarding Music.. i hv just read an article on which it is said that Music persay is not haram.. In Quran Allah nowhere make it haram.. but only in a hadith of Prophet Muhammad PBUH mentioned abt people who use Musical instruments.. so it says k this is only Allah who make things Haraam n Prophet Muhammad could not make things haraam.......
So my question is that then what is the meaning of the verse which says "Obey Allah and obey His Messenger"
ARGcomment: The Prophet never spoke from his desires on the deen. If he said something was forbidden it is because Allah forbade it.
Posted by: Atufa | Tuesday, 15 September 2009 at 11:41
Assalamu alaykum brother!
How's everything going? Hope You and your family are well!
A little late, but Ramdhaan Kareem! Hope this have been a fantastic month for you!
It's Eid soon, InshaAllah, so I wish you a great Eid!
May Allah bless all the Ummah and forgive all our sins - Ameen!
Btw, isn't it time for any new post soon? Can't wait =)
Posted by: Aisha | Tuesday, 15 September 2009 at 23:45
Assalamu Alaikkum Brother.
My name is shemi. I am born and brought up in India and now living in U.S. I have heard many of your speach in youtube and Alhamdulillah most of them helped me to clarify some of my doubts in islam. I am writing this to share a conversation I had yesterday with one of my friend who is an Athiest. We have argued several times on this subject of "Is there a God". The conversation started like this
I asked him if you don't believe in God, do you believe that this universe came into existence by itself?
He said yes. The entire universe and all the species came in to existence by it self and still evolving.
I asked him if that is the case can you explain how everything got created for the first time.
He said I could explain scientifically how species are evolved and how life formed in water first time and how water formed and how planet formed. And finaly he end up in Big bang theory for the creation of universe. But he couldn't explain how the singular piece got formed which exploded in to millions of pieces. Or in other words he could not explain how some thing got formed(created) from nothing. I don't think none of the scientist can give a rational explanation to this.
But he said it is the same case for me. Because if I say that God created everything, How God got created?
Now is the interesting part. I asked him do you believe that human being is a superior species compared to other species in the world.
He said yes. Human being is a superior species when compared to other animals and even the planet or the universe. Because we could think, we have found several things about the universe, we could even create life(single cell bacteria) in the laboratary.
Then I said. We are computer engineers, we could create a robot which can walk, talk, pick up things and even with decision making capabilities about the stuffs he see through his camera eyes with the help of Artificial Intelligence Coding built in to his chip. But still the robot will never be able to figure out who created it and he would never be able to figure out how we got created. Because we are superior than the robot. Isn't it?
He said yes.
If this is the case, isn't it rational to assume that an inferior thing cannot create something that is superior to the creator it self?. And you said human being which is superior to anything known in the universe got created it self in the universe, which is irrational to believe.
So it is rational to believe that we got created by someone who is much superior to us. And you asked me if God created everything how God got created? My answer is this, if we could define or figure out how God got created, then we are equal to God or we are God. It is not possible to explain by us because we are inferior to God just like the robot is inferior to us.
Dear Brother,
What do you think about my conclusion? My next goal Insha Allah is to convince my friend that Islam is the Truth.
ARGcomment: Its a nice line of discussion, except that we can build things stronger, faster, smarter than us, so some one might point that out.
Posted by: Shemimon Anthru | Wednesday, 30 September 2009 at 15:34
As-salamu alaykum brother.
I have recently met with an atheist,i was telling him about some of the Proofs Islam is truth.I picked a lot of points from ur show.
I was speaking abt Haman's name.So he asked me for a reference.I viewed ur show but I could'nt find the refernce to the German book.Can u tell me the name of the book.Perhaps u could tell me its name in German bcoz he claims ur story is a fabrication.
I found a reference in Maurice Buccaille's book.
So I hope u could clarify the name of the book and the edition.Also tell me where could i find it.
JazakAllahu Khayr.
I hope u respond quickly
Posted by: Fawaz Ahmed | Saturday, 10 October 2009 at 06:53
Assalamu Alaikum ARG...I thought you'd be interested in this since your father is ill. Some things I was reflecting upon since the illness of my mum-in-law. You can use on your blog or just read it yourself.
Reflections on the transient nature of life
My mother-in-law has been in hospital for over a month now. She went in during Ramadan when she was suffering from angina pain. Then while in hospital she had heart failure (cardiac arrest) and was resuscitated and alhamdulillah after a week or so in the Intensive Therapy Unit during which she was sedated, her organs, slowly began to work again...and she moved to the high dependency unit where she suffered cardiac arrest one more, but once again survived. She is now slowly getting her strength back but is very tired. May Allah grant her a speedy recovery and a complete recovery.
We had gotten to the point where we thought 'this was it'. And I must admit that when you see death in front you, or almost in front of you it is sobering to say the least: the impact of one person in your life not being around is huge. And yet, this ever-turning cycle of life and death and life and death and life will go on. It is unstoppable. I am just another life in this world that will end in death. So are you. We reach our peak and then decline in physical strength slowly but surely and then it is our children's turn to reach their peak and then they too must slowly face up to their own mortality.
It makes you hug your husband and kids and parents and loved ones tighter to think that, we are just lives slipping away as surely as the seconds and minutes do. It makes you want to smile more. It makes you want to give more and be more. That is one of the things I would miss most about my mum-in-law: her smiling and her giving. Reassuring presence. When I go and visit her, thoughts and memories flash in my proud she was of me, the bahu, when I got married to her son...she would phone me and ask what I'd be wearing to the next dinner-party we were invited to. She'd buy me expensive make up and gifts and have clothes made for me, without me asking for it or expecting it. She'd show me how to wear a particular garment and would be pleased to see me dressed up. I think of all the love she has showered upon my children. Irreplaceable. Anyone seeing her in hospital who didn't know her, would feel pity. They wouldn't know how elegant and glamourous she once was. They wouldn't know about all the laughter and happiness of her home, the warm aroma of her cooking, the trips to the park and wedding parties she'd attended, the lovely silk clothing she'd worn...I guess all of it fades into insignificance, when we are facing the end.
How insignificant it makes me feel. Just another life. Just another child of Adam, coming and going back as they always have done. Nothing to stop it. Decreed.
Maybe I shouldn't feel this, but the transient nature of life does send a shiver down my spine.
One day I'll get a phonecall to tell me that one of my friends has passed away, someone of my generation. How scary that will seem: that our friends or even siblings are one by one leaving. Gone and we might only be able to count how many of our contemporaries are left on Earth on our fingers.
Whenever someone passes away, it is the end of an era in someone elses life. It is time to start again in some way. How 'expendable' human life is. My mum-in-law, such an important part of our lives. Only we will understand that. Her great grandchildren probably won't. The importance of that human life is most felt at the time in which it exists, for most people. But after that? Are we just forgotten?
The thought of not leaving a legacy of some sort is probably a more scary 'death' than death. I look at my children and feel reassured: a part of us lives on in them and their children until the end of time. A part of us lives on in those far-reaching things of on-going benefit that we may have done or left behind. I kind of want to live on. Not in flesh, but in impact.
I'm sure you do too.
Posted by: Fatima Barakatullah | Thursday, 15 October 2009 at 22:35
Sorry forgot to add the most important one---
Interacting with women can impair men’s cognitive functioning ====
If you want to get better results at work place or at classroom stop inter mixing of men and women----------- The findings have implications for the performance of men who flirt with women in the workplace, or even exam results in mixed-sex schools.
Posted by: SS | Tuesday, 27 October 2009 at 04:30
Salam, Brother abdul raheem, my brothers and sisters, in addition to Shemi's discussion, atheists seem to believe in modern science, and you might add that all created things are subjected to time and space, but, God is beyond time and space and 'The' one who created time and space. His ilm is so encompassing that 'we' the created being are confined in time and space, except that Allah's will makes us capable of understanding, such as prophet Muhammad's ascension (mi'raj).
Posted by: Account Deleted | Thursday, 29 October 2009 at 07:09
Salam alaykum brother Abdur Raheem Green.
May you be in best state of eman, health and wealth.
I watch your lectures on Peace TV and I learn a lot by you. I also watch your videos on May Allah grant you long life and increase your knowledge on Islam.
When I found your blog, I became very happy. I read your blog often whenever I get time. Keep it up.
I would like to know when you are going to post something new on your blog? I have some suggestions for new topics for your blog.
I have a question,
One of my family member asked,
Why Music is Haram? (besides Prophet SAW made it haram, what is the logic behind making it haram?)
there is long discussion on the topic under the global peace and unity blog
I have been really, really lazy with the blog. Make dua, I should utilize it more!
Posted by: Slave to Allah Muslimah | Thursday, 31 December 2009 at 16:26
alam alaykum brother Abdur Raheem Green
I hope you are fine by the grace of allah , i am a big fun of yours, when ever I hear your lectures it really touch my heart . may allah bless you .
Do you have any facebook fan page run by you or r you on twitter .please tell me i wana follow u on it
you have any plans to come to Pakistan .
Posted by: Irfan Tariq | Friday, 09 July 2010 at 12:33
Salam alaykoum
Barak Allah fikoum mes freres
Montreal - Canada
ramadan a montreal
Posted by: david | Monday, 02 August 2010 at 08:57
Bismillah ir rahman ir raheem
asalamualikum warahma tullahi wabaraka tuhu noble brother/sister
I hope our message reaches you while you are upon the best state of health and emaan in this blessed month of Ramadan, in which it is encouraged that we engage in daw'ah to Allah as much as we can. And what could be the easiest way to do act of calling to Allah than just posting a blog or sending an email. We are not intending to SHAM in HERE by posting COMMENTS... but..
We at would like to request you to help us spread this message of our Hajj 2010 by posting this link's blog:
*** ***
to your blog[s] and also by posting to your group[s]/contact list. And indeed your reward is with Allah and you can anticipate the huge reward based on the below hadith of our Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam who didn't speak from his desire rather by the command of Allah.
It comes in Muslim (1017) from the hadeeth of Jarir bin ‘Abdillah -may Allah be pleased with him- that the Prophet -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- said: Whoever introduces a good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he will have the reward like the one who has done it, without their rewards being diminished in the least.*
And he has attained by this a mighty reward from Allah the Most High, for indeed he -sallahu ‘alayhi wasallam- has said: Verily if Allah guides by way of you one man it is better for you than the red camels. Bukhaari (3009) and Muslim (2406) [Taken from: Towdeeh al-Ahkaam min Bulooghil Maraam by Ash-Sheikh ‘Abdullah bin ‘Abdur Rahman Al-Bassaam.]
Therefore, we hope O sister/brother that you seeking the pleasure of Allah in this blessed month of Ramadan you will just simply copy paste above given link's blog post to your blogs and also send it to your groups and contact list as an act of worship seeking nearness to Allah. May Allah reward you with good in this Duniyah and In the Akhira for cooperating with us upon Birr - righteousness - and Taqwa - piety as Allah has ordained.
Jazakum Allahu khayran kathiran wa baaraka Allahu feekum fidduniyah wa filakhira
was-salamualikum warahma tullahiwabaraka tuhu
Visit us today
Al-Qur'an was-Sunnah Society of New York
Posted by: | Thursday, 26 August 2010 at 21:03
MashaAllah Very nice.
Posted by: Janitorial Services | Wednesday, 08 September 2010 at 18:52
Asalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu brother, I enjoy your page MAshaAllah, when are you going to update it ? hope to read some new material soon..
Jazakallahu khayran..
ARGcomment: Many appologies, have been away from blogging for a while. I have not even been replying to comments! I hope I will start again soon! Make dua!
Posted by: Hiba | Monday, 25 October 2010 at 01:49